Website editor
Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Limoges et de la Haute-Vienne
16 place Jourdan BP 403
87011 Limoges cedex
Phone : +33 (0) 5 55 45 15 15
Email :
Publication manager : Bernard BLAIZEAU
60 Rue de la Vallée
80000 Amiens
03 60 28 40 38
Website hosting
Hôtel des Télécoms
40 rue du Village d'Entreprises
31670 LABEGE
Téléphone : +33 (0)5 62 24 34 18
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Using conditions
Website users of acknowledge being informed of the following user conditions, and accept these conditions. The website is subject to change without any prior warning.
Site content
Luxe et Excellence website is available 24h/24 and 7/7. Information on the website have been controlled. However, Luxe & Excellence will not be responsible for errors or unavailability of certain information. If you notice any possible omissions, errors or corrections, please send an email to
In general, the software, texts, animated or fixed images, sounds, "know-how", drawings, graphics and other components in this website are for the sole use of Luxe & Excellence.
All rights reserved: no part of this site may be produced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means without the express authorization of the Limoges airport, which would be counterfeited and sanctioned by articles L.335-2 and intellectual property rights of the Code.
Luxe & Excellence is not responsible for the hypertext links from the current website to another on the Internet network.
Website users cannot set up a hyperlink to this site without prior and express authorization from the Limoges airport. To do this, please send an email to
Personal data
Your personal data will be used to treat your request, to diffuse information and, excepting legal obligations, will not be the subject of any external communication in any case.
In accordance with the General Regulation of Data Protection of 27 April 2016 and the Data Files and Individual Liberties law amended on 6 January 1978 and all current or coming texts, you have an access, rectification and retraction right for legitimate reasons by contacting the Data Protection Officer by mail through the following address
Your data will be retained for 3 years.
Cookie policy
Whilst you visit our internet website and therefore subject to your consent, cookies are likely to be recorded or inscribed on to your computer, your mobile phone or tablet.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small file stored on your browser or hard drive whilst you are using the website or looking at publicity on the site. They collect and give information relative to your visit in order to give you a more individual service.
Your computer manages cookies by way of your internet browser. We try in as much as possible to make sure that the cookie providers who assimilate audience interest rigorously respect the freedom of the IT laws of January the 6th 1978 modified, and agree to implement appropriate protection and security of and for confidential information.
How to set your internet browser?
You are entitled to deactivate cookies at any time. Your browser can also be set to inform you of any cookies inscribed on your computer and to accept them or not as desired.
You can accept cookies on a case by case basis or you can systematically refuse them.
We therefore remind you that setting your computer is likely to alter the conditions of access to the content of our website and associated services requiring the use of cookies.
If your browser is configured in such a way as to refuse all cookies you will not be able to gain access to some of our services. Therefore, as to manage your cookies in the most interesting way possible in conjunction with your interests, we suggest that you set your browser to allow for a sensible and practical use of cookies.
To accept or refuse cookies…
One can at any moment decide to refuse cookies by setting the browser appropriately. One also has the choice to set the browser in such a way as to either accept or refuse cookies as desired. One can accept or refuse cookies on a case by case basis or systematically once and for all.
Photographic credits
Pictures published on the website pages are Luxe & Excellence’s members exclusive property
Applicable law
The use of the website is governed under French law only.